A downloadable project

Coding in RPG Maker

The process of making a game in RPG Maker occurs in two phases. The first phase happens during the creation of the map, which is made by tiles that can be placed in a simple "painting fashion". Those tiles have preassigned functions to them by the editor. As they represent objects in the game world, such as trees, rocks, houses etc. whether the player characters will pass over them is predetermined by the editor but can always be changed.

The core however of programming in RPG Maker is the event making system, which maps the grand majority of the interactions of the player with the game. In the event editor, the user may determine what a particular event will do, (and that include a lot of options, from starting a dialogue, a cut-scene, a battle scene, play a sound file, a music file, advance the game, change parameters etc.), when that event will occur, in terms of prerequisites that have to be completed for it to happen, time of the event, duration of the event, and how will the event respond, according to the player's choices.

Coding SAIR

RPG Maker's system manages to break down every component of a traditional RPG in functions that can be performed with the eventing system. Some of those are:

  • An introduction to the game
  • Dialogues
  • Music or sounds
  • Battles
  • Interacting with objects - Picking them up, using them etc.

The team used those functions, to incorporate the educational content of the game, as well as a typical RPG story about heroes who try to save the world.

Anyone who would like to add, or customize the game content, could do so, by using RPG Maker MV software, for all the functions of the game. For instance translating a chapter, or adding extra chapters to the game.


SAIRCode.rar 428 MB

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